
Showing posts from May, 2021

TRIP Designation (Transportation Risk and Insurance Professional)

Many PGI agents have a niche target market for commercial transportation risks.  This is no surprise, as these are often high premium policies that require specialized knowledge and carriers in order to write effectively. Did you know that there is a continuing education designation that is specifically developed for agents who specialize in transportation risks?   IRMI (the International Risk Management Institute) offers the TRIP (Transportation Risk and Insurance Professional) designation curriculum.  Obtaining this designation will be an excellent way to differentiate yourself as a professional in the commercial transportation vertical. The TRIP designation can be obtained through IRMI for $99 a class (5 classes total to earn the designation). For More Information CLICK HERE . Additionally, IRMI is hosting the 2021 Transportation Risk Conference on July 14 & 15 .   Click here for the conference Agenda & Speakers.

Workers Compensation - Employees, Contractors, and Subcontractors... Who is Covered On Your Policy???

 A quick video explaining the differences between Employees, Contractors and Subcontractors, and who's covered on your workers compensation policy.  (And who's payroll may be picked up at audit!) Pinnacol - Employees, Independent Contractors, and Subcontractors

Developing Your Commercial Lines Niche

You'll hear the Commercial Lines team at PGI preach about developing your "niche" or your "majors / minors" in order to drive success in Commercial Lines.  There are many reasons to do this...  here's a short list of benefits: 1. Working with a carrier first to develop a strong underwriting partner who can present quality quotes in your niche. 2. Knowledge of the risks inherent in the business along with an understanding of the information you'll need to gather. 3. Being able to "speak the language" and drive referrals. This is not an exhaustive list... read this article about benefits of developing a niche, as well as some ideas about how to start identifying your niche. 9 Steps to Establishing Your Insurance Niche